Friday, October 1, 2010

Entry Two

While watching the show seeker, I have decided that bad acting is not enough to deter some people away from a great notion.  So todays advice will have to do to all you writers, and story makers for movies and tv shows.

Even if the actors that are available to your arsenal are tripe and confused, a good story is enough to help your audience look past the good awful acting and get to the heart of the matter. 


  1. Agreed 95%. Sometimes though the acting is so bad I just can't take it. CSI: Miami is an example of this for me. haha.

  2. It is true that CSI: Miami is pretty bad, but some of their stories are really addicting and hit you hard.

  3. so true, actors dont make much of a difference to a story, its all to do with the actual content

  4. most zombie films have awful acting but i still love the film despite of that. You are correct sir

  5. bad acting can ruin everything up to certain point... but i've always believed that the story is what makes something more enjoyable

  6. Very interesting blog concept, can't wait to see how it develops
