Sunday, October 24, 2010

Entry Eighteen

John Mielke is a thirty four year radio veteran and takes pride in knowing that he owns one of the most successful AM radio stations this side of the Colorado Rockies.  His radio station, KKNX 840 AM is so successful, that he ranks fifth overall in the Arbitration ratings for the Willamette Valley.  This is an impressive feat, considering that he runs KKNX single-handedly above his families print shop.  For these reasons and many more, I knew the knowledge that he could pass on me would be worthwhile to my career development. 

     Going into the interview having only knowledge of all John Mielke’s accomplishments, I had developed a schema in my mind, that made be  believe that he would be this insanely busy, complex guy.  This however turned out to be only partially right.  From what I gathered from the interview, John seemed like a relaxed, laid-back person, who enjoyed what he was doing.  This threw me off guard.  But John assured me that he was not always this way.  He explained how he had to work hard in the beginning and because of his hard work and dedication; he gets to now reap the benefits.   
     Because of everything that John Mielke had told me, I am now surer than I ever was that I want to someday own my own radio station.  I feel that if I could own my own station, I could not only use it to satisfy my urge to be in radio broadcasting, but I could also use it to spread the word of God.   John taught me that when you own your own radio station, you use it to send the message that you want your audience to hear.  Luke writes in Acts that Jesus will return when all ears hear the gospel of our lord.  What better way of spreading the word than through mass media, where the message has the potential of being heard from people around the world.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Entry Sixteen

The one crisis that I struggled with was the crisis of confidence.  When I was first called to radio broadcasting, I was nervous.  I had no confidence in myself, because I was a timid and under spoken person.  I knew that it God wanted me help spread the word, but I felt that I was not the right person for the job.  That is why I tried to run away from radio, and become a teacher.  For three years, I was in the education program, and every day I knew that I was pulling farther and farther from my vocation.  It took a rude awaking of two principles telling me I would not be hired because I was a male, to realize that God was giving me a shove back to my calling.


According to Smith, Vocation can be described as “… a call of God to serve him in the world” (Smith, p.22).  What I take from this is that because God calls you to a certain career, be it education or radio broadcasting as he has done for me, vocation is a sacred task that God has assigned you.  This can cause several feelings of crisis in ones’ life, because they may feel that they are being called to a place that they do not want to go.   This may cause feelings of crisis as it focus, confidence and meaning.     
            I feel that when you are called to do something by God, it is a task that should not be taken lightly, but instead held up as your main priority, I feel that work should be no different from your ministry.  When you are at work in a career that God has chosen you, you are serving a purpose for the lord.  What this means is not to preach frantically to every Tom dick and harry, but to apply the God given abilities that you own, to a career that god has called you towards.  If you get the opportunity to spread the word of God where it can be a positive experience, then do it.  Knowing when to talk about God and when to just lead by example and display a God filled life is an important theory to work.  Knowing that God is with you and supporting you will boost your confidence and help you succeed in his will.    


Smith, G. T. (1999). Courage & Calling: Embracing Your God-Given Potential. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Entry Fifteen

Going to try a new ad hosting site called project wonderful.

Do not Spam click this time!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Entry Fourteen

Showing trustworthiness is an essential key to successful networking.  In any profession, people do not want to network, let alone work with individuals who they cannot trust.  Being a trustworthy individual means having a “…high measure of character as seen by those people with whom we interact” (Block, 156).  The way that we prove our credibility as trustful, is by establishing clear precise personal qualities, showing straightforward, good intentions and having a clear and precise attitude (158).  The personal qualities that need to be focused on is being honest and being sincere.  As previous stated, being forthright in your interactions with your coworkers is the best way to establish a sense that you are an honest person.  It is human nature to trust more openly an honest person as opposed to those who lie.  It is important that an individual be sincere in their actions.  Whenever they are focusing on a goal, or they have a certain value set, they need to stay sincere to those values, and not show signs of dramatic change (Baum & Nowicki, 1998). 

To see the affects of your label in an attempt to gain trustworthiness, it is important to be able to survey others cues in how they feel (Sandhya, 2007).  Action speaks louder in words, because it is the case that someone will speak one thing, but nonverbally do another.  For example, a manager asks two coworkers to work together on a risky project.  The manager pulls the two individuals in their office and tell them about the project and if they are comfortable working together.  A good way for these coworkers to see if they have a level of trustfulness is by how each coworker reacts to the situation.  If a trust is established between the two coworkers, there nonverbal will show positive arousal, and if concern is expected, it is expressed words the project or the manager, by facing the manager.  If that trust has not been set up, or has been settled negatively between the two coworkers, then even if the two say they are willing to work on the project, they will be physically moving away towards each other, or adjusting uncomfortably.  However, nonverbal cues are not always so easy to identify as physical repulsion, it can also take the form of a lack of effort on the project, or a general lack of communication between the coworkers. 

-Baum, K. M., & Nowicki, Jr., S. (1998). Perception of Emotion: Measuring Decoding Accuracy of Adult Prosodic Cues Varying in Intensity. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 22, 89-107.

-  Block, D. (2007). Investing in Staff Development Pays Off. Adult Basic Education & Literacy Journal, 1(3), 154-156. Retrieved March 19, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.

- Sandhya, R. (2007). The Media Globe: Trends in International Mass Media. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 84(4), 858-860. Retrieved April 5, 2009, from the Communication & Mass Media Complete database.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Entry Thirteen

Back from my vacation, will post a blog tomorrow.  

Check back tomorrow.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Entry Twelve

I am on vacation:

Go on one as well.  Be back Wed  or Thursday!

Some idiot Spam clicked my ad one day literally 100 times, and got my ad sense banned.  Thanks alot.  Their goes my 51.64 dollars.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Entry Eleven

Even though developing deep, interpersonal relationships with co-workers is a vital key to successful networking, there can benefits to not having to develop these long lasting relationships with everyone (Block, 2007).  Even if every person that you meet and do not go farther than just a few passing glances and a few comments and open armed approached conversation, that person will most likely see you as being the person, in which others ask about later (2007).

To succeed in long and lasting favorable networks, an individual needs to set up good, strong bonds.  To build strong bonds, one must act in a responsible, dependable, organized and persistent manner towards others.  Responsible in the sense that individuals need to take charge of what they say, and need to be responsible to be able to be open and receptive towards others (2005).  Being dependable towards not only ones responsibility towards others, but also dependable in acting in such a way that expectations are going to not shatter too often.  If people are unable to get any sense how others are, it will be hard for them to develop long and lasting relationships (Hoygen, 2004).  In life, people also need to organize and persistent in their own lives, so they show a shining example.  If someone has a hard time staying organized in their own life, the question of “how are they going to be organized and persistent in this relationship…” will fill the mind of the individual (2004).  True dedication towards those who are influential and those who can help develop an individual’s career, is crucial towards sustaining a healthy, progressive network.  Not only will you have the professional relationships to help get you through the toughest of tasks, but you will also have deeper relationship’s, that can help you develop even stronger bonds.

-  Block, D. (2007). Investing in Staff Development Pays Off. Adult Basic Education & Literacy Journal, 1(3), 154-156. Retrieved March 19, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.

-  Hoygan, Joyce (2004).Which Traits Predict Job Performance?. Journal of Applied Psychology. 15-33

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Entry Ten

     In mass media, there is the ever-growing trend of taking news and other programs to a syndicated global scale.  With the help of fiber optic cable lines that allow high-speed information to travel on a private network, and the use of the Internet, the face of global media is changing (Helms, 2008).  Indecently, those who seek a career in mass media are finding it increasingly difficult to gain employment, because with broadening the cover base, comes a broadening of the hiring pool, and essentially, more qualified applicants applying for sought after jobs.  Therefore, it is important for any individual who wishes to enter the field of mass media to have a fair understanding of how to network, and even better, have a well-set up network (2008).  

     The number one trait that employers are looking for in mass media is the capacity to work with others, and be able to show leadership qualities (Sandhya, 2007).  With a well-preserved and set up network, not only does this prove the individuals ability to work with others; because of how they are working and preserving an active network of professional resources, but they are also showing leadership skills by being able to control and tap the network they have created when the need arrives.  Showing trustworthiness is an essential key to successful networking.  In any profession, people do not want to network, let alone work with individuals who they cannot trust.  Being a trustworthy individual means having a “…high measure of character as seen by those people with whom we interact” (Supe, 123).  The way that we prove our credibility as trustful, is by establishing clear precise personal qualities, showing straightforward, good intentions and having a clear and precise attitude (121).  The personal qualities that need to be focused on is being honest and being sincere. 


-  Helms, Ludger (January 2008). Governing in the Media Age: The Impact of the Mass Media on Executive Leadership in Contemporary Democracies.. Goverment & Opposition, 43, Retrieved April 5, 2009, from

-  Sandhya, R. (2007). The Media Globe: Trends in International Mass Media. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 84(4), 858-860. Retrieved April 5, 2009, from the Communication & Mass Media Complete database.

-  Supe, A. (2008). NETWORKING IN MEDICAL EDUCATION: CREATING AND CONNECTING. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences, 62(3), 118-123. Retrieved March 31, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Entry Nine


Understanding what interpersonal relationships are, is an important step in understanding exactly what effective networking entails.  According to Terrence A. Doyle, ph. D, interpersonal communication is described “…in terms of relational contexts of interaction and the types of expectations that communicators have of one another” (Doyle, 2005).  However, this idea of understanding each other expectation is a complex task.  Based on research conducted by Doyle in 2005, there are four classic categories that man place their expectations in.  These categories are separated into, Family, Friendship, Romantic and Professional (2005).  In any circumstance, it was found that the most typical categories that people fell into at work; besides the obvious professional relationship, friendship takes a front seat in any media outlet.


To succeed in long and lasting favorable networks, an individual needs to set up good, strong bonds.  To build strong bonds, one must act in a responsible, dependable, organized and persistent manner towards others.  Responsible in the sense that individuals need to take charge of what they say, and need to be responsible to be able to be open and receptive towards others (2005).  Being dependable towards not only ones responsibility towards others, but also dependable in acting in such a way that expectations are going to not shatter too often.  If people are unable to get any sense how others are, it will be hard for them to develop long and lasting relationships (Hoygen, 2004).  In media, people also need to organize and persistent in their own lives, so they show a shining example.  If someone has a hard time staying organized in their own life, the question of “how are they going to be organized and persistent in this relationship…” will fill the mind of the individual (2004).  True dedication towards those who are influential and those who can help develop an individual’s career, is crucial towards sustaining a healthy, progressive network.  Not only will you have the professional relationships to help get you through the toughest of tasks, but you will also have deeper relationship’s, that can help you develop even stronger bonds.


Doyle, Terrence (2005). Retrieved March 31, 2009, from Types of Interpersonal Relationships Web site:
Hoygan, Joyce (2004).Which Traits Predict Job Performance?. Journal of Applied Psychology. 15-33

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Entry Eight

Story (more like a video): 

Take chocolate chips, melt them in a double boiler and add that to the top of the cake, AFTER you have soaked it in espresso.   It will add a whole new level of deliciousness.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Entry Seven

She runs like a deer, sheds like a porcupine and growls like a bear.  No, I am not talking about my mother in law, (though I could of even fooled myself).  I am talking about my dear, 7 year old Dalmatian named Sadie.  For being the third dumbest breed in the canine species, or the equivalent of Sam from I am Sam, my little special bundle of fur has a personality that will make even the most sophisticated minds laugh.  If she wants to be snuggled or relax in your lap,  she will walk up to you and just put her forehead on whatever body part she can get a hold of.  When she runs, she literally will throw up her front paws and kick out her back ones when the front touch, prancing majestically into the wild blow yonder.  She also wants nothing to do with toys.  She just is not interested in them.  If you throw out a ball for her to fetch, she will run over to the ball, pretend to pick it up with her mouth, and then she will pretend that she brought it back to you.  She will "play" fetch, she just forgets the fundamentals of the game;  the actual fetching portion.  It is even funnier when she does not want to play anymore, because she will proceed to bury the item that you want her to retrieve, and still pretend to bring it back to you.

If you can look past the shedding and the constant need for attention, Dalmatians are severely loyal and loving.  They love to be around their owners, and are just not themselves when they are not.  They will try to protect you when they can, but can be cowardly around loud noises.  If you have an acre or two of land, and enjoy running, the Dalmatian can be one of the most interesting animals you will ever own.

My Little Sadie Girl in Action

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Entry Six

The tastiest of all the dinners has got to be Italian Sunday gravey.  I found this reciepe a few years back, and now I want to share it with all of you!

Advice (or more like a recipe):

Serves 8 to 10.


1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 pound sweet Italian sausage
1 pound hot Italian sausage
2 onions , chopped medium
12 garlic cloves, minced
2 teaspoons dried oregano
1 (6-ounce) can tomato paste
1/2 cup dry red wine
1 (28-ounce) can diced tomatoes, drained
1 (28-ounce) can tomato sauce
2 pounds bone-in country-style spareribs , trimmed of excess fat
1 1/2 pounds flank steak
3 tablespoons chopped fresh basil

Instructions:  put in crock pot for 8 - 10 hours.  Enjoy. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Entry Five

This is going to be a short story, because it has been a very long day, and I am very tired.  When I came to work today, my coworkers were doing nothing but smiling.  They were not actually talking to one another, making any gestures or anything.  I thought I was a little odd.  But, it was a nice day, and the work was relatively low, so I thought nothing of it.  Several hours later, my coworker,  we will name him, "Kurt", busted out laughing.  Turns out, I had zipped the bottom of my white shirt into my fly, and was now sporting my very own cloth phallus.  Immature I know, but had the shoe been on the other foot, I definitely would of laughed at Kurt.
Always watch when you zip up your zipper, and never, ever, were a shirt that is to long.  It can not only bunch up and make you look like all sorts of fun on a bun, but a complete tool when it is caught in your fly.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Entry Four

Swords crashing, lives being forfeit and the general sense of urgency surrounds you in an ever so fascinating game of Castle Crashers.  This game is designed to be a multiplayer experience, and anything less will make the game very much a trivial challenge.  This is sort of the way things go however in games designed to be multi player.  the game makers will intentionally leave the game just as challenging as if you had four player, even if you just have the one.  Games like Castle Crashers, Scott Pilgrim and even games like splinter cell, basically punish those players who decide to game alone.

Go out and meet some friends.  The inclusion of online multi-player is nice, but it can not substitute for having friends right by your side.  Not only will you have 0% chance of the game being dropped and your hours of racking up xp / kills being virtually erased, (well except for when an upset friend drop kicks your tv because you stole the last health fruit), but you can more easily collaborate on strategy without having to buy extra crap that still has your online partner sounding like a robot getting eaten by a walrus. 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Entry Three

I realized to something today that sort of made me feel a bit sick to my stomach.  I went to court to try and fight a bogus traffic ticket.  I went in feeling really good, because through my discovery motion, I found that the police officer did not have any notes, videos, pictures or witness to testify against me in court.  The kicker, the back of the ticket where the officer puts notes, put 2 different statements, one saying I admitted what happened, one that says I did not.  To make a long story short, the officer decided that he was going to use surprise evidence in the case; a video of the alleged violation and a witness.  And even though I cried for a dismissal of the evidence, due to the sworn discovery response that stated their would be neither, but the judge simply said, well you can view it now, take a few minutes.  This got me a little steaming  because the whole defense I had set up was centered around their being a very specific lack of evidence on the officers side.  This should of been grounds for a dismissal of the case, let alone just the evidence, but the judge thought it would be ok for the officers to pull a fast one right in front of him.  Well I pissed and moaned, and eventually got a continuance; even this made the judge upset, because he just wanted me to admit I had done something wrong, and be done with it.

This whole thing made me realize, no matter how unorganized the police officer is in a case, no matter how misleading they try to be, the judge will try their hardest to be "accommodating".  I asked the clerk later on wither or not she felt that if I was that unprepared and sneaky with evidence, if I would of gotten a continuance, or any special treatment, and she said a resounding, no!

Be prepared, and you best hire a lawyer.  Even if it is a small ticket, like 270 bucks, its a small price to pay to keep your record clear, and your insurance premiums down.

 This is a picture of how my faced looked after the trial for about 3 hours. Just look at the pain and frustration.  Heh, I just noticed that with the water coming down my face, it sort of looks like those Gatorade commercials. 

Friday, October 1, 2010

Entry Two

While watching the show seeker, I have decided that bad acting is not enough to deter some people away from a great notion.  So todays advice will have to do to all you writers, and story makers for movies and tv shows.

Even if the actors that are available to your arsenal are tripe and confused, a good story is enough to help your audience look past the good awful acting and get to the heart of the matter. 

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Entry One

Tired after a long day of entropy.  Doing this blog is a good way to stay focused on the tasks at hand.  Enough about my personal issues, it is time for some random bouts of knowledge.

While making a burger today, I realized that their is more to the burger than just meat and buns.  I know this is a fundamental foundation that is needed to create a devilishly good burger.  However, if you introduce any of these, simpleton burgers to a patron at a restaurant, they would be demanding their money back, because the meat and bun are just a gateway.  In a druggies world, the meat and bun is like marijuana.  It is simple, non addictive and in drug terms, just plain simple. Sure the drug makes gives you some satisfaction, but, in the long run, you will need more hard core drugs to get to a "better", high.


Make sure that you always add that special something to your recipe.  Try a little rosemary or sage, to spice up that plain beef patty.  Also, do not forget the importance of good condiments.  They not only will make the burger a tasty treat, but will also satisfy any cravings your guests may have.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Introduction.

OK, so here is the scoop.  I am the King of Morons, and this is my guide to your universe.  I am a recent Communication graduate and local chapter President of Lambda Pi Eta from Northwest Christian University in Eugene, Oregon, and have been in and out of broadcasting for nine years, three years of retail management and six months of Office work.  I know that some of you actually think that taking advice from a lowly Communications graduate would be... devastating.  But do not worry, the advice that you get from this blog, will be chocked full of delicious anecdotes, and some very, very poor grammar and spelling.  Beyond that, this blog is created to help share my worldly experience in the form of helpful, fulfilling advice.